


Chanel 10 The Project (14/06/12) Rebecca Henshall appeared as a psychologist on topic of infidelity and trust in relationships.

Rebecca Henshall discusses infidelity and trust in relationships on Channel Ten's 'The Project'.(June 14, 2012)
The Profect logo

Newspaper & Magazines

The Age – (03/07/13) Interviewed for article: Why can’t they all just get along.
Super Friend website (17/12/12) Interviewed for article: Help your employees phase into retirement.

Do you have retiring employees? Rebecca Henshall highlights ways in which to help employees phase into retirement. SuperFriend December 2012
The AGE logo
Australian CEO Magazine September 2012 Edition logo
Australian CEO Magazine September 2012 Edition. Interviewed for article: What does your internet usage say about you?

Rebecca Henshall discusses internet usage in the workplace context. CEO Magazine September 2012
The Australian (14/04/12) Interviewed for article: Office Politics: Be aware of power, influence equations.

Office politics. How do you manage them? Rebecca Henshall shares her insights in this article from The Australian April 14, 2012.
The australian logo
NETT logo
Nett (26/03/12) Interviewed for article: Improving morale: simple ways of keeping staff happy.

Rebecca Henshall discusses simple and effective ways in which to boost morale within the workplace in this article from Nett March 2012.
Cleo February 2012 Edition. Interviewed for article: The one new years resolution everyone should make; and October 2011 Edition. Interviewed for article: The Healthy Life: How clean living became cool.

 Rebecca Henshall discusses mindfulness and resolutions. Cleo February 2012
CLEO logo

 BH Collaborations Melbourne 0488 266 574

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