Beck Henshall

Rebecca (Beck) Henshall

Rebecca (Beck) Henshall is a consulting psychologist, trainer and coach
with more than 15 years in the leadership and management arena before
moving to consultancy. Beck is known for her engaging energy, clarifying
insight, and infectious enthusiasm for learning and creating positive
Beck holds qualifications in Psychology, Business Administration and
Organisation Dynamics and is a certified trainer/facilitator. Beck retains
accreditation and experience in various coaching and team profiling
instruments, such as MBTI, Human Synergistics LSI/GSI, DiSC.
Beck Henshall
Beck regularly facilitates training for organisations in mental health, resilience, communication, and leadership with a clear agenda to increase awareness and create behaviour change in the workplace.
Leadership and Development Coaching
Beck provides leadership and development coaching in areas such as, communication and influence, managing difficult staffing situations, understanding team dynamics, creating work/life balance, managing stress and mental health and providing performance motivating feedback. 
Beck Henshall in a training session
Highly Proficient in a Team Environment
Beck is sought after for team workshops as she inspires trust, builds emotional intelligence and facilitates courageous conversations that lead to improved teamwork and organisational outcomes. Beck provides a reflective space often missing in the workplace to enable leaders to think well and clearly about their purpose and goals and how these guide work and life. 
Beck’s specialist areas:
  • Training – mental health/ illness, stress and resilience, leadership, communication, retire/ shift gears
  • Facilitating team workshops – Strategic planning, team building and understanding team dynamics
  • Coaching – developing awareness, skills, and capacity in leadership repertoire, managing transitions, stress and building resilience, and planning for the next phase of life

Talk to Beck Henshall and the team at BH Collaborations Melbourne today - 0488 266 574

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